Saturday, September 23, 2006

Porno peddler lurking in my language site

One of my language sites named JumpG is like an island forlorn that members visited only once in a while. As a senior member and one of those who refused to leave, seeing hope in the future development of the site, I took part in encouraging the members to stay on. Nevertheless, there are times you would also like to leave.

You ask a question and it is answered after two months – if ever. You make a comment and it gets no rejoinder. A German named Ami, in fact, had invited me to his more populated language place, mentioning the grave-like silence of JumpG. Although I had registered with his group, I still remained faithful to JumpG. My friend also stayed on and became my teacher for German – although our teaching-learning was quite slow, if there was something of that to speak of - given our work pressures.

After a good two years stint, on September 19, I wrote -

This site is like an island. I wonder if anybody's home. I hear only splashing. I see only the waves.

The silence in JumpG is deafening yet mystical. At the same time, it also merited mystical respect.

Again, I posted –

Sometimes we ask questions.
And they hang on the air for a time.
You come back and they're still hanging.
Like dried clothes ready to be blown away.
And the wind blows, but no one has come, come, come.

I need a German translation for these lines.
If I translate them myself, I might murder the language to death.

Oh, I like JumpG. It has become poetic to me.
Like an island forlorn.
But in its faithfulness still stands.

Four days later, I happened to check on the site and I noticed a uniformity that caught my attention. One posted in all the seven language forums a few seconds apart from each other. When I checked, I saw that it was all about gay sex movies.

I then decided to make a counter move and opened a new topic in all the seven language forums with this message -


On September 23, 2006, from 8:47-8:50 a.m. as registered, orionohjakonda posted in all language forums of this site about male-to-male teenage S-E-X movies!!!

Make your move – if moderators don’t!!!!

I had posted in the French forum, and the English forum. By the time I was posting in the Spanish forum, I saw that the world “sex” was automatically changing to 6. I then retraced my steps and changed back 6 to S-E-X. This time, the word stayed. I then resumed posting in the Swedish, Italian, Portuguese, and German forums.

Checking on the profile of this Porno Peddler named orionohjakonda, I saw that his details clearly had the intention of hiding. Here were his details – which goes to show that he had only registered to be able to post his gay sex movies.
Location: khttxqftww
Occupation: fovczxiknp
Interests: cgdsuyehfe
MSN Messenger: jdmdvojmtt

Porno peddlers are ever in hiding. All that they do in the dark turns loose only in the dark. They don’t like the light, because their ways don’t belong to the light. Corrupt and looking for others to corrupt, they walk the earth ever masked.

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