Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Secrets of Saddam’s Life and Leadership

Original link for the story

Interesting things you’ll read about Saddam:

1) He studied Stalin. Stalin was his idol. He was the leader with the most books on Stalinism; 2) He frequented the American Embassy at one time, and took many trips going back and forth; What was he doing there? 3) He donned a military uniform although he was not a soldier. 4) He had assassinated a prime minister; 5) Eventually, Saddam became like a Stalin, himself – powerful, in control of everything, and ruthless; 6) He used criminals for security work – semi-literate thugs who were loyal to him; 8) He had an ability to work 18 hours a day; 9) He had a sense or organization; you have to keep appointments with him not 5 minutes earlier or 5 minutes late.

10) Saddam is brilliant: he started a repatriation program of Arab scientists and engineers from all over the world – because he was interested in acquiring nuclear capability for a bomb.

11) Many Arabs want Saddam Hussein to have an atomic weapon. They don't look at it as weapons of mass destruction. They look at it as transfer of technology.

12) And more…more…more. Find out for yourself.

What is your impression of this man? Of the things he did?